See The Difference You Made

Global Guardians is proud to support so many great charities as well as adding real value to local communities. Here are some examples of what we have been able to achieve with your help as one of our valued partners.

Over 3000 working professionals have been able to live flexibly at a 50% reduced cost.


An average Global Guardian is able to save around £5,400 per year on their living costs.


Around 2,800 Key Workers have been able to live close to their places of work, reducing their commute time and stress.


Charities such as CRASH and the NSPCC have received combined donations of around £100,000.


We have provided 60 new graduates training and development to progress their careers.


15% of all Global Guardians leave the scheme as they have saved a deposit to buy their own home.


1200 properties have been protected from crime and antisocial behaviour, creating countless safe communities for local people to thrive in.


Around 150 Global Guardians team members have been trained and developed.


Latest Blogs

Protecting Empty Properties During Summer: Key Issues and Solutions

Preserving Culture and History Through Property Guardianship

Maximising Property Value with Guardianship

Cost Of Living: Why Property Guardianship is the Smart Choice for Property Owners

Global Guardians: Pioneering Innovations in Property Management and Community Engagement

Certifications: The Importance of Securing Your Vacant Property Correctly

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